Tag Archives: Elizabeth Singer Rowe

Elizabeth Singer Rowe, “A Hymn on Heaven”


“A Hymn on Heaven”


What glorious things of thee, O glorious place!
Shall my bold muse in daring numbers speak?
While to immortal strains I tune my lyre,
And warbling imitate angelic airs:
While ecstasy bears up my soul aloft,                                          5
And lively faith gives me a distant glimpse
Of glories unreveal’d to human eyes.

Ye starry mansions, hail! my native skies!
Here in my happy, pre-existent state,
(A spotless mind) I led the life of gods.                                        10
But passing, I salute you, and advance
To yonder brighter realm’s allow’d access.

Hail, splendid city of th’ almighty king!
Celestial Salem, situate above:
Magnificent thy prospect, and august,                                          15
Thy walls sublime, thy tow’rs and palaces
Illustrious far, with orient gems appear.
There, regent angels, crown’d with stars, command,
High in the midst, the awful throne of God
Ascends, the utmost empyrean arch,                                             20
The heav’n of heavens; where in conceiveless light,
Such as infinity alone can prove,
He enjoys th’ extremest bounds of happiness,
And was in perfect blessedness the same
Ere any thing existed but himself;                                                    25
Ere time, or place, or motion, had a name;
Before the spheres began their tuneful round;
Or through the air the sun had spread his beams;
Ere at his feet the flaming seraphs bow’d,
And cast their shining crowns before his throne;                          30
Ere smiling angels tun’d their golden harps,
Or sung one hallelujah to his praise.
But mighty love, which mov’d him to create,
Still moves him to communicate his bliss.

O, speak! you happy spirits that surround                               35
His dazzling throne, for you alone can tell;
For you alone those raptures can describe,
And stem th’ impetuous floods of joy that rise
Within your breasts, when all unveil’d, you view
The wonders of the beatific sight:                                                      40
When from the bright unclouded face of God
You drink full draughts of bliss and endless love,
And plunge yourselves in life’s immortal fount;
The spring of joy, which from his darling throne
In endless currents smoothly glides away,                                        45
Thro’ all the verdant fields of paradise;
Thro’ balmy groves, where on their flow’ry banks,
To murm’ring waters, and soft whisp’ring winds,
Fair spirits in melodious concert join,
And sweetly warble their heroic loves.                                               50
For love makes half their heav’n, and kindles here
New flames, and ardent life in ev’ry breast;
While active pleasure lightens in their eyes,
And sparkling beauty shines on every face:
Their spotless minds, all pure and exquisite,                                    55
The noblest heights of love prepar’d to act,
In everlasting sympathies unite,
And melt, in flowing joys, eternity away.

To those blest shades, and amaranthine bow’rs,
When dazzled with th’ insufferable beams                                        60
That issue from the open face of God,
For umbrage many a seraphim resorts:
Nor longer here o’er their bright faces clasp
Their gorgeous wings, which open wide, display
More radiance than adorns the chearful sun,                                   65
When first he from the rosy east looks out:
Gentle as love, their looks serene as light,
Blooming and gay as everlasting springs.

But oh! when in the lofty blissful bow’rs,
With heav’nly skill, to the harmonious lyre,                                        70
 The clear, the sweet, the melting voice they join;
The vales of heav’n rejoice, and echoing loud,
Redouble ev’ry charming close again;
While trembling winds upon their fragrant wings
Bear far the soft, melodious sounds away;                                          75
The silver streams their winding journeys stay,
Suspend their murmurs, and attend the song;
The laughing fields new flow’rs and verdure wear,
And all the trees of life bloom out afresh.
The num’rous suns which gild the realms of joy,                                  80
Dance in their lightsome spheres, and brighter day
Thro’ all th’ interminable ether darts,
While to the great unutterable name,
All glory they ascribe in lofty strains,
In strains expressless by a mortal tongue.                                             85
O happy regions! O transporting place!
With what regret I turn my loathing eyes
To yonder earthly globe, my dusky seat!
But ah! I must return; no more allow’d
To breathe the calm, the soft, celestial air,                                              90
And view the mystic wonders of the skies.


 4 warbling “To modulate the voice in singing; to sing with trills and quavers” (OED).

13 almighty king “Designating a god, especially the Christian God or Christ” (OED).

14 Salem A reference to Jerusalem (Britannica).

17 orient “Eastern countries; the East” (OED).

29 seraphs “Angels” (OED).

37 raptures “Transport of mind…ecstasy esp. ecstatic delight of joy” (OED).

43 fount “A spring” (OED).

59 amaranthine bow’rs “An idealized abode” (OED).

62 seraphim “In Biblical use: the living creatures with six wings, hands and feet and a (presumably) human voice, seen in Isaiah’s version as hovering over the throne of God” (OED).

SOURCE: Poems on Several Occasions (London, 1759), pp. 59-62. [Google Books]

 Edited by Franny Baronian



Elizabeth Singer Rowe, “To one that persuades me to leave the Muses”


“To one that perswades me to leave the Muses”


Forgo the charming Muses! No, in spight
Of your ill-natur’d Prophecy I’ll write,
And for the future paint my thoughts at large,
I waste no paper at the Hundreds charge:
I rob no Neighbouring Geese of Quills, nor slink                                             5
For a collection to the Church for ink:
Besides my Muse is the most gentle thing
That ever yet made an attempt to sing:
I call no Lady Punk, nor Gallants Fops,
Nor set the married world an edge for Ropes;                                                  10
Yet I’m so scurvily inclin’d to Rhiming,
That undesign’d my thoughts burst out a chiming;
My active Genius will by no means sleep,
And let it then its proper channel keep.
I’ve told you, and you may believe me too,                                                     15
That I must this, or greater mischiefe do;
And let the world think me inspir’d, or mad,
I’le surely write whilst paper’s to be had;
Since Heaven to me has a Retreat assign’d,
That would inspire a less harmonious mind.                                                     20
All that a Poet loves I have in view,
Delight some Hills, refreshing Shades, and pleasant Valleys too,
Fair spreading Valleys cloath’d with lasting green,
And Sunny Banks with gilded streams between,
Gay as Elisium, in a Lovers Dream,                                                                       25
Or Flora’s Mansion, seated by a stream,
Where free from sullen cares I live at ease,
Indulge my Muse, and wishes, as I please,
Exempt from all that looks like want or strife,
I smoothly glide along the Plains of Life,                                                                 30
Thus Fate conspires, and what can I do to’t?
Besides, I’m veh’mently in love to boot,
And that there’s not a Willow Sprig but knows,
In whose sad shade I breathe my direful woes.
But why for these dull Reasons do I pause,                                                         35
When I’ve at hand my genuine one, because!
And that my Muse may take no counter Spell,
I fairly bid the Boarding Schools farewel:
No Young Impertinent, shall here intrude,
And vex me from this blisful solitude.                                                                   40
Spite of her heart, Old Puss shall damn no more
Great Sedley’s Plays, and never look ’em o’re;
Affront my Novels, no, nor in a Rage,
Force Drydens lofty Products from the Stage,
Whilst all the rest of the melodious crew,                                                               45
With the whole System of Athenians too,
For Study’s sake out of the Window flew.
But I’to Church, shall fill her Train no more,
And walk as if I sojurn’d by the hour.
To Stepwel and his Kit I bid adieu,                                                                    50
Fall off, and on, be hang’d and Coopee too
Thy self for me, my dancing days are o’re;
I’le act th’ inspired Bachannels no more.
Eight Notes must for another Treble look,
In Burlesque to make Faces by the book.                                                               55
Japan, and my esteemed Pencil too,
And pretty Cupid, in the Glass adieu,
And since the dearest friends that be must part,
Old Governess farewell with all my heart.
Now welcome all ye peaceful Shades and Springs,                                                60
And welcome all the inspiring tender things;
That please my genius, suit my make and years,
Unburden’d yet with all but lovers cares.


1 Muses “The nine goddesses regarded as presiding over and inspiring learning and the arts, esp. poetry and music” (OED).

4 Hundreds Corrected from “Hunderds;” a printer’s error.

9 Lady Punk “Prostitute” (OED); Fop “One who is foolishly attentive to and vain of his appearance, dress, or manners; a dandy, an exquisite” (OED).

25 Elisium Elysium; the paradise where the gods determined a hero’s immortality, a land of perfect happiness (Britannica).

26 Flora’s Mansion The natural world; Flora is the Roman goddess of the flowering plants (Britannica).

32 to boot “In addition” (OED).

33 Sprig “A small branch of a tree” (OED).

41 Old Puss A contemptuous term for a woman.

42 Sedley Sir Charles Sedley, 4th Baronet, (1639-1701), “an English Restoration poet, dramatist, wit, and courtier.” One of his most notable plays was Bellamira (1687) (Britannica).

44 Force Drydens lofty Products from the Stage John Dryden (1631-1700), poet, playwright, and influential critic; the suppression of Rowe’s work was linked to censorship of Dryden’s dramas (John West, Dryden and Enthusiasm: Literature, Religion, and Politics in Restoration England, p. 170).

46 whole system of Athenians A reference to The Athenian Society, founded by John Dunton (1659-1733), bookseller and author, in 1691.  Rowe regularly published poetry in The Athenian Mercury, the society’s periodical published by Dunton, between 1693 and 1696.

50 Stepwel A made up name for a dancing master; Kit “A small fiddle, formerly much used by dancing masters” (OED).

51 Coopee Coupee; “a dance step” typically included in a minuet (OED).

53 Bachannels Bacchanals; “a dance or song in honour of Bacchus,” Roman god of wine and fertility (OED).

54 Eight Notes Eighth notes; “The note separated from any given one above or below by an interval of an eighth” (OED);Treble The G clef, “pertaining to, or suited to the highest part in harmonized musical composition” (OED).

56 Japan A black compound applied to the eye; Pencil “A small brush suitable for delicate work” (OED).

Source: Poems on Several Occasions (London, 1696), pp. 6-9.  [Google Books]

Edited by Celina Lopez