“Sonnet. Addressed to —”
Selecting from the sweetest flow’rs, the Bee
Roves, unrestrain’d, the perfum’d walks among;
I cull Parnassus’ giddy heights for thee,
Or sing thy praises in the love-sick song.
Sometimes, mayhap, in melancholy mood, 5
Contemplative, the desert paths I range;
And watch the parting sun-beams o’er the wood,
The leafless branches, and autumnal change.
In my sad heart alone no change appears;
Of ev’ry thought thy image is the end; 10
I wander through a wilderness of tears,
Bereft of thee, and ev’ry earthly friend.
Will then my heavy suff’rings never cease,
But lies in death my only road to peace?
2 Roves “To wander, roam” (OED).
3 Parnassus “Mount Parnassus, regarded as the source of literary, esp. poetic, inspiration” (OED).
5 mayhap Perhaps.
12 Bereft “Forcibly deprived” (OED).
SOURCE: Poems on Various Subjects (London, 1793), p. 33. [Google Books]
Edited by Halsey Williamson