“Galatea to Triton. On Jealousie”
Written by a Lady.
Love is the Land of Hope and Fear,
Of Pleasure mix’d with Pain,
Where, o’er the Heart, soft Joy, and Care,
Alternate Empire gain.
Possest of all we can desire, 5
Fear mingles with our Joy,
The Source of all our tender Fire
Does still our Bliss destroy.
For Triton’s Charms, that wound my Heart,
My jealous Mind alarm. 10
I fear, alas! th’unerring Dart,
Some other Breast shou’d warm.
I dread the Force of other Eyes
His am’rous Soul shou’d move;
My Happiness my Fear supplies, 15
Convinc’d that he can love.
My Hopes and his dear Tongue agree,
To flatter my Desire;
But then, alas! warm Jealousie
Makes all my Hopes expire. 20
Forgive me, Triton, if my Heart
These anxious Pangs possess;
Less shou’d I feel th’ uneasie Smart,
Cou’d I but love you less.
Excess of Love augments my Pains, 25
Which when you’re by decline:
To end them quite still here remain,
So long I’m sure you’re mine.
Title Galatea A Nereid (sea nymph); daughter of the sea god Nereus in Greek mythology (Britannica); Triton “Greek god of the sea, son of Poseidon” (OED).
11 Dart Figurative for Cupid’s arrow, the dart of love.
22 Pangs “A sudden sharp spasm of pain which grips the body or a part of it” (OED).
23 Smart “Sharp, often intense, physical pain” (OED).
SOURCE: The Muses Mercury: or The Monthly Miscellany (March) (London, 1707), pp. 65-66. [Google Books]
Edited by Mimi Hopper