“Verses, Written by a Young Lady, On the Death of her Father”
How short a span of miserable life!
And short the blessings that on earth we know!
Forc’d from a tender and a loving wife,
A husband, and a father’s lost below.
No more with happiness I view the morn, 5
No more with joy I tread the well-known walk;
Each place to me is dreary and forlorn,
But think in every thing I hear him talk.
When on each plant I turn my wandering eye,
And on each flower I think I see his shade, 10
I often stop, and think my father by;
But he is gone, and left this vain parade.
Of life, that transitory, fleeting thing,
To happier realms of everlasting joy:
He’s couch’d beneath th’ Almighty’s heavenly wing, 15
And bless’d with happiness nothing can destroy.
7 forlorn “Pitifully sad and abandoned or lonely” (OED).
13 transitory “Not permanent” (OED).
15 Almighty God, the Creator.
12 Printer’s error, period added to this line.
Source: The Gentleman’s Magazine, vol. 59 (Supplement, 1789), p. 1206.
Edited by Sierra Bagstad