Intended to have been sung after the complaining
Pastoral Ballad in Comus”
Swains I scorn, who, nice and fair,
Shiver at the morning air,
Rough and hardy, bold and free,
Be the man that’s made for me.
Slaves to fashion, slaves to dress, 5
Fops themselves alone caress,
Let them without rival be,
They are not the men for me.
He whose nervous arm can dart,
The javelin to the tyger’s heart, 10
From all sense of danger free,
He’s the man that’s made for me.
While his speed outstrips the wind,
Lovely wave his locks behind,
From his fantastic foppery free, 15
He’s the man that’s made for me.
Nor simpering smile, nor dimple sleek
Spoil his manly sun-burnt cheek,
By weather let him painted be,
He’s the man that’s made for me 20
If false he prove my javelin can
Revenge the perjury of man,
And soon another, brave as he,
Shall be found the man for me.
Title Comus A masque written by John Milton (1608-1674), first performed in 1634 and published in 1637.
1 Swains Young lovers or suitors.
6 Fops Men overly concerned with their appearance.
17 sleek “(Of hair, fur, or skin) smooth and glossy” (OED).
22 perjury “The offense of willfully telling an untruth in a court after having taken an oath or affirmation” (OED).
Source: The Gentleman’s Magazine (January 1741), p. 45.
Edited by Robin Jang